Maurizio Casoni, list of Publications

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Maurizio Casoni Home Publications Current Research Staff Stage Software Tools


  1. M.L. Merani, M. Casoni, W. Cerroni, “Hands-On Networking From Theory to Practice", Cambridge University Press, Hardback (ISBN-13: 9780521869850), available since September 2009, (
  2. F.Callegati, M. Casoni , C. Raffaelli, “TCP/IP Performance over Optical Networks”, book chapter of “High Performance TCP/IP Networking- Concepts, Issues and Solutions”, by R.Jain and M.Hassan, (,3110,0130646342,00.html).
  3. M. Casoni, “Lezioni di Tecniche di Interconnessione”, Pitagora Editrice (in Italian), (