Study and development of a software router for emergency networks

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Maurizio Casoni Home Publications Current Research Staff Stage Software Tools

The main topic of the research activity proposed by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia is the study and the implementation of a software router (SR) based on an open platform, as the basic element for interconnecting multiple networks, employing different wireless technologies. This device has to be easily and fast deployed in emergency networks.

Implementing and testing such a complex infrastructure is going to be an expensive and difficult task, since this router should integrate several interfaces, to interconnect with, for instance:

• IEEE 802.11s mesh network (to exchange data with the on-field users);

• IEEE 802.16 PtMP network (to interconnect to other similar nodes);

• IEEE 802.15 sensor network (for environmental monitoring);

• TETRA base stations for voice and data services;

• satellite links (for backhaul to the Command Center, CC);

• 2.5G or 3G cellular base stations (for backup backhaul to the CC).

In addition, as emergency scenarios call for timely delivery of signals, and for intelligibility of audio or video information, this device has also to provide suitable QoS guarantees. To meet these QoS requirements proper guarantees must be provided to applications in terms of bandwidth and packet transmission delay. Ruling out over provisioning, which is not always feasible and certainly not cost-effective, the outgoing links of the router must be properly scheduled to provide service guarantees.

The research activity of UNIMORE will deal with several issues:

1. Definition of the SR architecture suitable for interconnecting multiple technologies wireless solutions;

2. Definition of a link scheduling infrastructure that complies with multiple wireless technologies, and includes an accurate scheduler for providing the QoS guarantees needed by the target emergency applications;

3. Definition of virtualization and/or emulation tools for investigating multiple different wireless networks;

4. Feasibility and implementation of the investigated node by means of emulators and/or virtualization tools with an open SR platform;

5. Performance evaluation in terms of flexibility, scalability and throughput;

6. Definition of hardware requirements for the node prototyping.

The above described activities will be performed within the framework of the WPs defined in the SFINGI project:

1) WP1 (UNIMORE act as the leader research unit)

2) WP2.1, WP2.3

3) WP3.1, WP3.2 WP3.3

4) WP4.1, WP4.2