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<center>Responsabile Scientifico dell'Unità di Ricerca:</center>  
<center>Responsabile Scientifico dell'Unità di Ricerca:</center>  
<center>''CHINI Alessandro''</center><br>  
<center>''CHINI Alessandro''</center><br>  

===Project summary and keywords===
===Project summary and keywords===

Revision as of 09:40, 20 May 2008

Home - Projects - Publications - Staff - Lab Capabilities - Thesis


MIUR FIRB 2005 (2007/2010)

Tecnologie abilitanti, caratterizzazione e modellistica
per componenti elettronici integrati riconfigurabili a banda larga per alta frequenza.

Coordinatore Scientifico del programma di ricerca:
LIMITI Ernesto

Responsabile Scientifico dell'Unità di Ricerca:
CHINI Alessandro

Project summary and keywords

This research activity originates from the idea “Hyper-frequencies for integrated electronic systems: development of qualifying technologies for electronic reconfigurable wideband components strategic program”, referring to the 11.ICT and electronic components strategic program, approved as DM 9.2.2006.

The proposal has the aim of investigating a certain number of issues, in tight cooperation with the corresponding industrial program, which will allow to develop highly innovative systems comparable to international standards in the field of telecommunication systems, wideband sensors and smart Microsystems. In particular, each group’s specific proficiency will allow to obtain the following goals:

  • availability of PHEMT/MHEMT GaAs technology (critical lithography 0.15 μm) for low noise receiver components
  • availability of GaN technology (critical lithography 0.15 μm) for high power receiver components
  • availability Availability of GaN technology (critical lithography 0.15 μm) for high power receiver components
  • availability of GaAs, GaN/SiC and ceramic materials MEMS technology
  • availability of RF devices characterization and modeling techniques
  • circuital design techniques for realizing analog and MEMS devices

The research project, whose length is 36 months, has been divided in the following three research lines:

  1. Enabling technologies
  2. RF MEMS
  3. Characterization and modeling techniques

Lines 1 and 2 will develop the fundamental enabling technologies and the relative sub-techniques (GaAs and GaN technology with critical 150nm lithography) and the enabling components (microelectromechanical systems, MEMS) through which it will be possible to obtain totally reconfigurable wideband systems. Line 3, which embraces and integrates the previous two, will investigate characterization and modeling techniques, and also dedicated design techniques to optimally take advantage of such technologies. Each topic has consequently been divided in activities or workpackages (WP).

Line 1
WP1.1: Development of a PHEMT GaAs technology (critical lithography 0.15 μm) for low noise receiver components and relative demonstrators WP1.2: Development of a GaN technology (critical lithography 0.15 μm) for high power components and relative demonstrators WP1.3: Development of technologies for the realization of S.I. SiC substrates.

Line 2
WP2.1: Development of GaAs and GaN MEMS and relative demonstrators WP2.2: Development of ceramic material based MEMS and relative demonstrators WP2.3: Design techniques for realizing RF MEMS devices

Line 3
WP3.1: Development of characterization and modeling techniques for active devices WP3.2: Development of characterization and modeling techniques for RF MEMS devices WP3.3: Design techniques for realizing active analog subsystems

Participants list

  • Universita' degli Studi di ROMA "Tor Vergata" Dip. INGEGNERIA ELETTRONICA including:

Politecnico di Torino

  • Universita' degli Studi di MODENA e REGGIO EMILIA Dip. INGEGNERIA DELL'INFORMAZIONE including:

Università degli Studi di Padova

  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) including:

Istituto per la Microelettronica e i Microsistemi - sede di Catania Istituto per la Microelettronica e i Microsistemi - sezione di Lecce Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia – Laboratorio Nazionale di Nanotecnologie (NNL) Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie - Roma

  • Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A. Unità Operativa Tecnologie di Microelettronica
  • SELEX Sistemi Integrati
  • Descrizione della Ricerca eseguita e dei risultati ottenuti