Alessandro Paganelli

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Ing. Alessandro Paganelli

PhD Student in ICT, 25th Cycle

Department of Information Engineering

via Vignolese 905, 41125 Modena (MO), Italy


Research activity

My research activity lies in the telecommunication networks area and it is mainly focused on emergency networks.

An emergency network is the telecommunication infrastructure used to provide communication support to all the first responders (i.e., police, firefighters, etc.) involved in an emergency response.

Currently I am involved in the "A holistic approach toward the development of the first responder of the future" EU project, a large-scale Integration Project co-funded by the EU commission within the 7th FP, which aims at the design of a modern public safety system for addressing emergencies.


Conference publications:

1) D. Vassiliadis, A. Garbi, G. Calarco, M. Casoni, A. Paganelli, R. Morera, C. M. Chen, M. Wodczak, “Wireless Networks at the Service of effective First Response Work: the E- SPONDER Vision”, presented at the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), 5-7 of May, Modena 2010.

2) G. Calarco, M. Casoni, A. Paganelli, D. Vassiliadis, M. Wodczak, “A Satellite based System for Managing Crisis Scenarios: the E-SPONDER Perspective”, presented at the 5th IEEE Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference (ASMS), 13-15 of September, Cagliari 2010.

3) M. Casoni and A. Paganelli, “Security Issues in Emergency Networks”, presented at the 3rd International Workshop on "Emergency Management: Communication and Computing Platforms", co-Located with the 7th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IEEE IWCMC 2011).

Submitted publications:

1) M. Casoni, A. Paganelli and D. Saladino, “Multimedia Communications in Emergency Networks: Service Budget and Feasibility Analysis”, submitted to IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2012).

My talks

1) My presentation for the D-Day (22/02/2011)

2) My talk about simulation of telecommunication networks with NS-3, within the Tecnologie ed infrastrutture di reti M.Sc. class.

3) My talk about the presentation of the paper “Security Issues in Emergency Networks” at the IEEE IWCMC 2011 conference, Istanbul.