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Ing. Elton Domnori

PhD Student in Computer Science and Engineering

Eltondomnori profile.jpg

Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione

Address: via Vignolese, 905 - 41125 Modena Italy
Telephone: +39-059-2056322
Fax: +39-059-2056129
Office location: Doctorate Laboratory. 2° floor, DII


I took my first Laurea Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Laurea Triennale) from the University of Modena on July/2004 and my second Laurea Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Ingegneria Informatica, Laurea Specialistica) from the University of Modena on November/2007. My thesis was about the Usability Analysis of ESSE3 Software System. Form October/2007 to January/2009 I worked as a software developer for Kion spa software house. From January/2009 I am a PhD student in Computer Science Engineering of Information and Communication Technologies doctorate school.

Research Activity

Research Projects

I'm involved in the following research projects:

  • Searching a needle in amounts of data! A keyword-based search engine for structured databases, ''Progetti di ricerca a carattere internazionale'', Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena (years 2008-2010).
  • FIRB NeP4B-Networked Peers for Business (years 2006-2009)

Detailed Curriculum Vitae


Teaching Activity

Currently teaching assistant for the following course at the Faculty of Engineering:

  • Sistemi Opetrativi - year 2009/2010 (prof. Letizia Leonardi)


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