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Ing. Elton Domnori

PhD Student in Computer Science and Engineering

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione

Address: via Vignolese, 905 - 41125 Modena Italy
Telephone: +39-059-2056322
Fax: +39-059-2056129
Office location: Doctorate Laboratory. 2° floor, DII


He took his first Laurea Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Laurea Triennale) from the University of Modena on July 25nd, 2004; and his second Laurea Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Ingegneria Informatica, Laurea Specialistica) from the University of Modena on November 8th, 2007. His thesis was about the Usability Analysis of ESSE3 Software System. Form October/2007 to January/2009 he worked as a software developer for Kion spa software house. From January/2009 he is a PhD student in Computer Science Engineering of Information and Communication Technologies doctorate school.

Research Activity

Detailed Curriculum Vitae


Teaching Activity

Elton Domnori is currently teaching assistant for the following course at the Faculty of Engineering:

  • Sistemi Opetrativi - year 2009/2010 (prof. Letizia Leonardi)


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