Pierpaolo Palestri

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Welcome to my Home Page


Pierpaolo Palestri

Ph.D. in Industrial and Information Engineering

Professor of Electronics

Dipartimento di ingegneria Enzo Ferrari

Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Email: pierpaolo.palestri@unimore.it

Research Interests and Activities

  • Development of advanced modeling tools for electron devices and sensors
  • Modeling of GaN power devices
  • Design of Analog/Mixed-signals circuits
  • Modeling and design of high-speed I/O interfaces
  • Avalanche photo-diodes for X- and Gamma-ray detection
  • Electro-chemical models for biosensors and ion-tronic devices

Topics for Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. Thesis

  • Development of a Full-band Monte Carlo simulator for GaN power HEMT (MSc, PhD)
  • Calculation of the band structure of wurzite GaN (BSc,MSc)
  • Inclusion of Dynamic Ron effects in verilog-A models for power GaN devices (MSc)
  • Simulation of power GaN HEMTs using analytical Monte Carlo and commercial TCAD tools (BSc, MSc)
  • Behavioral modeling of high-speed I/O interfaces: porting the code from MATLAB/Python scripts into C/C++ (BSc)
  • Monte Carlo modeling of GaN power devices: porting key functions from Python to C/C++ (BSc)