Pierpaolo Palestri

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Pierpaolo Palestri

Ph.D. in Industrial and Information Engineering

Professor of Electronics

Dipartimento di ingegneria Enzo Ferrari

Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Email: pierpaolo.palestri@unimore.it

Short CV

Pierpaolo Palestri he received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering (cum laude) from the University of Bologna, Italy, with a thesis on impact ionization in bipolar transistors. From 1998 to 2000, he received a research grant from the University of Udine, Italy, where he worked on the simulation and optimization of bipolar transistors and on the analysis of hot electron phenomena in MOS devices and non-volatile memories. From July 2000 to October 2001 he was a Post-Doctoral Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labs (Lucent Technology, Murray Hill, New Jersey), working on the simulation and experimental characterization of silicon-germanium bipolars. In November 2001, he became Assistant Professor at the University of Udine, where he then finished his PhD in 2003. In November 2005, he became Associate Professor of Electronics at the University of Udine. P.Palestri has been responsible for the University of Udine of project and contracts for a total amount of approximately 1Meuros. Since November 2023 he is full professor of Electronics at the University of Modena and Reggio-Emlia, Italy.

Research Interests and Activities

  • Development of advanced modeling tools for electron devices and sensors
  • Modeling of GaN power devices
  • Design of Analog/Mixed-signals circuits
  • Modeling and design of high-speed I/O interfaces
  • Avalanche photo-diodes for X- and Gamma-ray detection
  • Electro-chemical models for biosensors and ion-tronic devices

Topics for Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. Thesis

  • Development of a Full-band Monte Carlo simulator for GaN power HEMT (MSc, PhD)
  • Calculation of the band structure of wurzite GaN (BSc,MSc)
  • Inclusion of Dynamic Ron effects in verilog-A models for power GaN devices (MSc)
  • Simulation of power GaN HEMTs using analytical Monte Carlo and commercial TCAD tools (BSc, MSc)
  • Behavioral modeling of high-speed I/O interfaces: porting the code from MATLAB/Python scripts into C/C++ (BSc)
  • Monte Carlo modeling of GaN power devices: porting key functions from Python to C/C++ (BSc)